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The materials and information contained in this website include but are not limited to, texts, pictures, data, opinions, suggestions, web pages or links. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the materials and information on the website, awinic does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency and reliability of these materials and contents, and explicitly declares that it will not be responsible for the errors or omissions of these materials and contents, nor will it make any express or implied guarantee of these materials and contents, including but not limited to the guarantee of ownership, not infringing the rights of third parties, quality and not having computer viruses.
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You may obtain permission to create, access and use an account that uses awinic’s service and contains your preferences and other information (hereinafter referred to as " account"). Only you have the right to create an account. No other person or entity can share or otherwise use this right. You hereby promise and guarantee that all the information you provide for awinic when registering for your account is up to date, complete and correct, and if there are any changes that lead to incomplete or incorrect information hereafter, you will update such information in a timely manner. You are responsible for keeping your account and password confidential and restricting others' access to your computer, and you agree to be responsible for all activities carried out when using your account or password. If awinic suspects that any information provided by you is untrue, inaccurate, incomplete, not up-to-date, misleading or deceptive, awinic has the right to access, deny service or cancel orders involving your account, restrict your account, delete the account, delete or edit content therein or terminate your account. You understand and agree that you have the responsibility to protect and keep it confidential for any passwords that awinic sends to you and not to disclose them to the public. If any password is known by someone other than you or your authorized personnel, you shall use the password protection mechanism of this website to change the password immediately.
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